OAT Brand Ambassador
How to become an OAT Brand Ambassador through Patreon
You might have heard me recently promoting SiriusXM this year. Or the year before with Jaylon Smith’s Clear Eye brand eyewear as a Brand Ambassador. Brand Ambassadors will be critical to our overall success in the future here with OAT. Now you can become a 2021 OAT Brand Ambassador through Patreon today. Gang Gang.
First, let’s break down what a Brand Ambassador actually is. Take 4 examples: the 2 brands I mentioned above. I not only have bought their products or services or pay currently a subscription, but I also promote them for what they stand 4. Because of how they improve my life. This is essentially what it means. Represent a product or service like you represent the Dallas Cowboys. Gang Gang.
“Faith does not make things easy it makes them possible. Impossible is simply I’M Possible. Together WE can all make a difference in our quality of lives as Cowboys fans.” ~BG
The future of OAT Brand Ambassador marketing in the NFL
This 4-year case study I’m conducting through OAT is now in a position to help construct the ultimate NFL “Word Of Mouth Marketing” network. Right inside the heart of the NFL fan base. Trends currently show that in 24 months micro-influencer marketing is on the rise according to CNBC. What does that mean 4 you and your pockets? Learn about all the best products and services we discover as a holacracy to share in our community. When you purchase from our network of creators or fans we each help one another financially. That’s a WIn-Win!
When I published the article about Cutzdamato, Zeke’s personal barber recently, I wanted to take this strategy and target HOLLYWOOD. My pet peeve is “Clout Chasing” on the Dallas Cowboys. I pride myself on knowing who is an authentic “Celebrity Cowboys Fan” or not. Now is your opportunity to build your personal brand or business with our platform in 2020. With a built-in network of influencers and consumers, it’s absolutely a Win-Win 4 all! Take notice of these 3 Cowboys fans in our group below as an example.
Take a peek at our new Brand Ambassador tiers for 2022
The first tier we have is the #4Dak – We all know FAITH is a very big part of how our QB1 approaches the game. Show your faith in the OAT concept, and brand when you become a “4Dak” OAT Brand Ambassador today.
What you get: An exclusive custom image with your name and the OAT logo with the #4 for FAITH. This will include all access to my content through my Patreon community. Each week 1 random supporter will be highlighted 4 their efforts. For those who help share our content, and help bring in quality new members to our group while adding great value to our “Voltron Holacracy.” This tier will be unlimited and open to everyone.
The second tier we have is the $11 State Board of Governors – Each state within the United States of America will have an SBG for each. Their role will be crucial to help facilitate statewide events, and applicable story information 365 days a year. Communicating with myself, the OAT mastermind, and our associated constituents. The power of the #11. Additional: Countries outside the US will be treated case by case, and added to this network also for global fan base reach and access.
What you get: SBG State Name Plate with your state identification. Elevated rights within the OAT group to help moderate members in your state as a “Moderator.” Our 50 SBGs will be announced in January 2021! This is not a first come first serve opportunity. All SBGs will be screened and approved by the Admin team exclusively. This tier is limited to each of the 50 states.
The final tier we have is the $88 Hail Mary Angel Investor – Drew Pearson is my favorite Dallas Cowboys player of all time. During my journey with OAT I have met him several times in the last 3 years. This tier will be for those “Investor Angels” who would like to give our “Holacracy” a stimulus package each month for associated driven community costs on a pro bono basis.
What you get: I will create a 1-minute high-quality video highlighting you and your investment. Explaining what and who your business is. That way can share your story on our branded social media network to an audience of over 50k fans! In addition, publish a feature blog post about your business and how our fans can engage with it in the future. This tier is unlimited.
Also read: Jaylon Smith “Clear Eye View” brand teams up with OAT
In conclusion
How would it feel to have your own actual state on lock when it comes to Cowboys fans? When you become an OAT Brand Ambassador you’re helping bring this vision together for us all. The single point of contact on all things OAT will be you. Essentially making you a Board of Governor within this “Voltron Holacracy” for the entire year!
As we usher in the new year let’s do it with better clarity in our vision in 2021. I want to personally thank those who have contributed, are contributing, and plan to contribute. This is exatly what I mean when I say #builtbyfansforfans
Be sure to subscribe to my blog today and get your USB plugged into my network. Don’t miss any content I share here as it will land directly in your inbox. Are you ready to help me create the ultimate 1st ever WOMM network in the world? Now is your chance to be sure to visit my Patreon today to learn how to become part of something bigger than us both. Get on the right side of history with me today!
Rather make a 1-time donation for the cause? Hit us on Cash App, or PayPal below thank you! We will shout you out on our social media when you donate 1 time!
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