AKOYE gives Cowboys fans absolute best value on YouTube
Chances are you have seen 1 of Darius Coit’s YouTube videos. His ability to break down Cowboys film from an unbiased position is rather unique. What’s surprising is all of this new found recognition started behind an accident. I caught up with him recently via phone to share some background info on him and his passion with OAT. Let’s get to know the man behind AKOYE Media.
Learning to survive in diverse environments at a young age
At a young age, Darius found passion in boxing. It was from 8-12 years old when he learned the discipline that comes with training and how to prepare for fights. All of the behind-the-scenes work required like conditioning, technique, and strategy. Growing up in the projects was rough, and this was the outlet and skill set he learned to survive in his habitat.
Currently residing in the heart of the enemy in Philadelphia, my first question to him was how did he become a Cowboys fan. He shared he was a military brat growing up and was originally from the DFW area. FT Hood to be specific. An Army base located about 160 miles south of Dallas.
Inside of this story, he shared another story about how he once almost joined the Navy while living in Baltimore. He immediately had my attention. Having retired from the Navy myself I was all ears. He was still looking for that discipline and structure in his life at the time. He was set to process for enlistment. However, the night before he ran into some Marines, and decided to change his mind about joining the Navy. Although his recruiter wasn’t feeling that, he convinced him to stay Navy, and went through the process anyway.
Prior to departing for basic training, it was that moment he decided to not have his children vicariously live their lives through their father. Much like he did with his family growing up. Without getting into too much detail I could automatically feel why he did so.
“I have detachment issues. As a military brat you develop the tendency to make new friends and fit in your new surroundings more quickly. It was then I knew I wanted my children to experience life more differently than I. Not having to move around frequently but remain in one location.”

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How his passion for the Cowboys led to a YouTube splash for his production company AKOYE Media
Remember how we stated this was all an accident? After years of finding his way through life, he found himself in college for a couple of years then working for a marketing company with a unique background with a focus on Google. He shared very little further about it however he stated they performed “Black Ops’ type of strategies for companies that would help them brand and market themselves more effectively. Then it all tied together.
By virtue of this role he understood how Google owns YouTube, and its algorithms work. Creating engaging content that encourages viewers to comment, like, and subscribe to channels. Shortly after the Cowboy’s 2017 season, he like many of us heard the ridicule about Dez Bryant heading into the off-season. He wanted to express his views personally.
Here is where Darius produced and shared his hit YouTube video racking up over 200k views currently. As a last resort because he had nowhere else to upload it. He shared he never intended on dedicating his talent to becoming a YouTuber. It simply happened organically. Since then he has created the AKOYE Facebook fan page, so be sure to “Like” it today!
In response to those who criticized him for attempting to remove the blame from Dez’s dismal season that lead to his release, he breaks down the film on Dak Prescott as well. Equally spreading the blame which big media refuses to do to date. Slanting players in the media for their collective gain, and dividing our fan base. AKOYE however gives it to our fans up close and personal with fact-supported arguments!
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In conclusion
Unlike many other Cowboys fans on YouTube, AKOYE Media has officially taken off. Cowboys fans can expect more raw film breakdowns supported with factual information and narratives. Darius is truly inspired by his recent recognition from the fan base and plans to give us more of what we need moving forward this season.
If you’re planning to attend the draft, you can catch him at the Official OAT Draft event headlined by Dallas Cowboys Scouting, and JoJo’s Replay. Both are fellow YouTubers. Darius has teamed up with DCS to give subscribers more value from a true Cowboys fan perspective. Be sure to check the flier below for details and look for Mr. AKOYE himself at the event! Lastly, be sure to subscribe to our blog here for more great stories about out our fans for this upcoming season.
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