Star Gang brand in ATL bearing new fruit nationwide
The Star Gang family rooted in ATL is branching out their efforts nationwide in 2023. What started as a small family of tight-knit Dallas Cowboys fans is currently growing across America with multiple chapters. Their founder BAM who supported my Patreon in the beginning took the time to share its story with me recently.
Who are Star Gang and what are they actually about? Founded in 2016 by BAM, and a handful of other diehards in ATL they set out to show their love and support for their team, the Dallas Cowboys. Over the years NFL fans have connected with this growing FAN-mily which now boasts over 300 members across multiple states.
The Star Gang’s most recent addition is in the Motherland of the DFW area with a few familiar faces you may already know, and have heard for that matter. Their current headquarters is based on the east side of ATL. During my conversation with BAM, he shared that the Star Gang’s overall mission was to;
“Meet more people with a passion for the Dallas Cowboys like WE do.” ~BAM
The Founding FAN-mily Recognized
In addition to BAM (President), there are several other founders of this FAN-mily. This article began to take shape when I reached out to a current BDG supporter of mine on Facebook this week James Mials of the Traveling Stars of GA in ATL. James was the President of the Traveling Stars & then took a smaller role there in order to help BAM as a brand ambassador grow the Star Gang brand.
In addition to BAM and James, there are TC Caldwell (Vice President), Crystal M. Brown, Melissa Blackshear (Queen Admins) Felica Neal-Smith, Katrina Whimper, Jackie Watts, and lastly Natara Hill (Brand Ambassador). Essentially as a group adopting the slogan “We the brand, the club, the gang, and the FAN-mily.” Special shout out from BAM to his ADMINS on taking their GA brand to new heights!
According to my sources, it’s believed the Dallas Cowboys could revisit the ATL Falcons during the ’23 NFL season. During the last week of the ’22 season, they are holding multiple watch parties across the nation as America’s Team finishes the regular season off with the Commanders. Special thanks to Quin Bama Adams of Star Gang who has been a faithful Patron of my Patreon since 2019. He is the sergeant at arms currently for this FAN-mily.

Star Gang features 3 noteworthy Fan Base Creators
If you are new here and reading this for the first time allow me to introduce you to the term Fan Base Creator. Essentially what Star Gang is comprised of are multiple Fan Base Creators creating experiences. I would like to highlight their efforts here today with Star Gang. Star Boy for their newly announced chapter in the DFW is most likely the familiar one to my readers here. However, 2 new are better known in their own domains.
Our relationship spans back to 2018 when the NFL Draft took place at AT&T Stadium. I was excited to learn from BAM during our conversation that Star Boy was part of the Star Gang expansion across GA state lines into the Motherland. Many brands are recognized in our fan base, but what surprises me most is that those brands are built outside of the DFW area initially.
The importance of having your brand Boots On Ground at AT&T Stadium should be imperative. For many consecutive years, the home opener of each season would be like a FAN-mily reunion. Many Boots On Ground types flock to the opener to connect and see America’s Team play each season.
In addition, there are 2 additional Fan Base Creators I want to share with you today with Star Gang. They are Michael Chase AKA “Gotti Kustomz” from the DFW area chapter who is a creative type that I’ve connected with while tailgating at-home games previously. In addition, there is Natara Hill, AKA Simply Natara on Instagram. Star Gang’s initial brand ambassador from inception.
It takes 2 to create a thing go right
Special thanks to Gotti Kustomz for creating the cover art for this article. His creative skill set is already paying dividends off the top. As a member of the Star Gang Facebook group, I see the many posts of their new merchandise with custom logo coming along thanks to his creative work. Which he creates on his phone only. From one creator to the next that’s very impressive.
In addition, there is Simply Natara who has not only inspired me creatively but is putting it down for the women in the Dallas Cowboys fan base. She has a large following on Instagram and gives Boots On Ground new meaning. Especially as an Amazon affiliate where she shares with other women in our fan base how to represent in style. What I admire about both of these creators is that they are leveraging their creative passions for Star Gang’s growth and REACH nationwide.

In conclusion
During our conversation, I realized BAM was an early supporter of mine on Patreon here with OAT. I thanked him and said this article would have happened either way. Paying it forward. It’s hard to ignore the noise Star Gang is making in ATL as Cowboys fans. I’m extremely happy that after 5 years this creative project has now finally taken shape.
With that being said connecting with other fans outside of the ATL was the mission here when it comes to America’s Team. Just as BAM shared previously if this article reaches one fan that connects with them and their brand today my mission is accomplished. Just as BAM supported my content, keeping the “Porch Light” on here is important during ’23.
When I created this blog in 2016 that was my mission. Connect with other fans and share their collective stories here. If you found this story interesting and would like to help shape and impact my content moving forward such as BAM has, please take time to learn more about my Patreon today below.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone who had a part in this project coming together. If you’re a new reader please consider subscribing to my blog today below. When new stories come out they will ultimately land directly in your inboxes first. After all, it looks as if WHEN the Dallas Cowboys return to the ATL it would be a FAN-mily reunion of sorts kinda like we do in the Motherland during home openers. Until then special shout out to all my Boots On Ground types. Learn more about my Patreon today when clicking the orange button below!
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