The definition of Stake Holder with Mike Rock | Cowboys Cousins Chronicles 1

Who is Mike Rock and what is a Stake Holder?

Mike Rock is not your typical Stake Holder when it comes to the 5 phases of design. Kicking off Cowboys Cousins Chronicles with this “Built Different” type of NFL fan was a no brainer. Almost 3 years ago when he initially began supporting my content I was excited because he only lived 42 miles (A Deuce Vaughn) away from me here in the Evergreen state with his wife Maegan.

Since then he and I have met up with each other several times where most recently he invited me to a Seattle Sounders soccer game at now Lumen Field in Seattle. I was excited to learn more about soccer, and I’m sure he was tired of me asking him questions during the game. Nevertheless it was awesome to have a total stranger support your content from social media and have that develop into a genuine friendship over time.

What is a Stake Holder and why do you need to know? When we look at it’s definition  “individual or group that has an interest in any decision or activity of an organization.” This blog exist’s because of Patreon supporters like Mike. Since 2016 when it went live there have been a small group of Cowboys fans “Stake Holders” who have kept the business afloat.

In the 5 phases of design when it comes to a business normally after the PROTOTYPE phase there will be the TEST phase. Mike Rock has passed the TEST phase as the longest tenured “Stake Holder” and as a result leads off the Cowboys Cousins Chronicles. Mike and wife Maegan are from the bay area originally and he said Larry Allen is his all time favorite because the trenches are where it matters most.

Myself, Mike Rock and wife Maegan at the Dallas Cowboys home opener Tailgate at LOT 10 in 2021.

Stake Board of Governers with Mike Rock

Initially when my Patreon launched the (SBG) State Board of Governers tier it offered 50 unique Patrons a chance to become designated as their state’s SBG. Similar to how Mike is for WA state. Essentially serving as a network of supporters by state who “Bought IN” to the business concept idea of OAT. The only website sharing stories about authentic Cowboys fans around the globe.

Let me be clear. The Stake Holder and SBG Tiers are completely separate. This is important to know because Mike has been an SBG almost 3 years now. In addition, he is subscribed to Built Different Group on Facebook, and also contributes STARS during LIVE shows on BDG. Mike is all over the place just like Larry Allen was against defensive lineman in the 90’s.

Mike Rock 88 Legacy Lineage
Mike and Maegan at CenturyLink field in 2018 for the Cowboys game. Cool story is I was there also before we knew each other. Later in 2021 the 88 Legacy Lineage would drop thanks to their combined support here.

Mike recently started his fitness journey and has been sharing his significant progress on his social media. This inspired me to also live a healthier lifestyle thanks to his Facebook group Food For The Sports Fans. Mike is good with his hands in the kitchen just like Allen was at the line of scrimmage. He shares dishes he prepares for sports fans who want to eat more healthy on game days.

Building healthy and fruitful relationships behind the Dallas Cowboys has become an art. Despite the hate we may get as the most “Delusional” fan base it’s stories like these that change that narrative. Mike and his wife Maegan have been a major part of this business idea’s conceptual final  TEST phase.


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How to become a Stake Holder today

Sharing Mike’s story with you today is a plus in my line of work. Since 2016 I have made it my mission to share stories of those who support the creative vision of OAT through my Patreon. This story will be 1 of 3 shared during May. The remainign2 will be on Bob and Caitlyn who are also both patreon and Facebook supporters.

Now is your chance to network with Cowboys Cousins Chronicles and have you story featured here too. When you visit my Patreon be sure to become a Stake Holder ASAP. Almost a third of those tier positions remain. Once we reach 100 your story could be solidified in the only blog on the internet sharing stories about DALLAS COWBOYS FANS.

Why become a Stake Holder? There’s a saying that total strangers will support your own vision and dreams on social media before your own family and friends will. It’s kinda cool that this story was reverse engineered. Mike found and supported and then through Cowboys Cousins became like family.

Mike Rock Football Is Family
Mike with brother, sister, and Mother who is actually a Broncos fan. Growing up his family was divided into both Raiders and Cowboys in the bay area. “It was something about the Silver & Blue” he stated.

Be The Difference

Becuase of SBG’s like Mike Rock this blog has a chance to not only make history but create a catalog of fans. Like most recent Cowboys Fan of the year James Wright AKA Suitman for the world to see online. We featured James 4 years here before his selction. Would you like to not be featured in a story and still support? Well, that is ok too. Our silent supporters and most of all my Angel Investors are the real MVP’s.

Be sure to follow Mike Rock on his Instagram above, and catch him in the GYM with us during this off-season while we build muscle and get ready for training camp in Oxnard, CA.  Lastly be sure to subscribe to my blog for more chronicles this summer. Finally learn more about all my tiers on patreon when you click the orange button below. Thanks to supporters like Mike for keeping the lights on at OAT.

Become a Patron!


Cowboys Unifier

Barry Gipson AKA "Cowboys Unifier" is just a Blue-Sky thinker on a mission to connect America*s Team, and it's fan base globally with the first ever Cowboys fan website "Built By Fans For Fans!" OAT- Official America*s Team!