How this Cowboys fan club went from a backyard to stadiums
Like most successful ventures, or a fan club many start up in a garage. Or in this Cowboys fan club case a backyard
Will Kevin Harris and his Star Status Cowboys Connection fan club be the next big thing in the NFL?
Take Amazon for example. In 1994 Jeff Bezos laid the foundations for what would be the online retail giant in his garage. Hoping to follow in the footsteps of fellow garage entrepreneurs Hewlett Packard. With a strong foundation, the company grew very quickly. Before long it was in need of a much bigger space to operate.
Kevin Harris essentially birthed his vision along with 5 other members in his backyard. To essentially take their love of the Dallas Cowboys into local bars. To watch the Cowboys with other football fans on game days. Building community and creating unity among NFL fans.

This was just the beginning however of the start of something very special with Star Status Cowboys Connection.
During their first bar experience, Kevin witnessed a group of Raiders fans. From there, he along with his mastermind agreed to create their very own Dallas Cowboys fan club named Star Status Cowboys Connection. What began with him and 5 others has now swelled into over 150 dedicated members from 3 states and growing.
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Uniting the Stars with #keepitfootball
The majority of his members reside in Los Angeles, CA. Surprisingly where geographical loyalty does not interfere with his club.
By keeping members focus on the club, and football this genuine opportunity bridges the gap. Especially between Cowboys fans that normally may not associate with other NFL fans due to neighborhood affiliation. Example: Street Gangs.
“Know the part, act the part, be the part.” ~Kevin Harris
While on the phone with Kevin, he is very adamant about ensuring his members are treated to a unique high-quality club experience every time. During our call, he was in the middle of a club function. “No shenanigans“ he states very clearly to some members getting rowdy.
He is about promoting a clean and drama-free experience for his, and other members of various clubs. During our phone conversation, you can hear the humble attitude he carries, and how he places his members as his priority #1.
Last year he recognized the highly visible and notable club and President Raymond Ortiz of Cowboys Life Family. This year they plan to recognize Eric Boyer of Northern New Jersey Dallas Cowboys Empire Family.
Also read: First-ever global Dallas Cowboys Club directory
The goal is to expand and eventually be recognized by the Dallas Cowboys
Currently, Star Status Cowboys Connection has opened up several chapters located in Las Vegas, Ohio, and the Inland Empire in addition to his founding chapter in CA. The unique aspect of this #keepitfootball movement is that it also includes other fan club members of other NFL teams.
In addition to his club’s dedication to the Dallas Cowboys, they also spend time together outside of game days by engaging in fellowship, and various functions. Ultimately providing the much-needed glue in keeping the water-tight integrity of his club together.
During the Cowboy’s home opener this season against the NY Giants in Arlington, TX there are plans being made and executed to host their “3rd Annual Round-Up” of Cowboys Clubs around the globe.
A truly unique event that will unify several clubs. Recognize those who are behind the movement. Not to mention to open the season up for our Dallas Cowboys against a division rival on prime time television!
Kevin shared his goal of Start Status Cowboys Connection getting recognized by the Dallas Cowboys organization. Essentially for the body of work, and dedication in the future. Upon hearing this I was totally inspired to continue following Kevin and his club’s journey.
Here he is recognizing 2 key individuals for their efforts to unify Cowboys fans at the home opener in 2018. Although this was written last year be sure to visit our posts regularly as they will be updated with relative information.
Also read: First Ever Dallas Cowboys Club Directory
In conclusion
This season will be here before you know it. As a Cowboy fan, this is a year-round lifestyle. WTF is an NFL off-season? We here at OAT want to bring you the stories from our fan base nobody else CAN. Being a Dallas Cowboy fan has levels, and clearly, Kevin and his club have allowed us to witness a higher level of that loyalty and dedication to our beloved team.
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Do you FEEL Star Status Cowboys Connection is on the way to getting recognized by the Dallas Cowboys? Leave us a comment below with your thoughts, especially Star Status members!
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