Why these women on Facebook absolutely love the Cowboys
The NFL used Facebook as a social platform to gather insight from women who love Cowboys football in 2009. Matter of fact they set up Facebook groups for all 32 teams which only consisted of women. According to Colleen Case, a few years later they began to shut them down once their research was done. One group still remains to date however.
That’s when Colleen pushed back on the NFL, and requested to keep the group, and give it purpose moving forward. This is when the birth of “She Loves The Cowboys” all women Facebook group established itself. Now men I must warn you. Don’t go trying to request being a member. This group is exclusive to women only. And for good reason.
According to Forbes back in 2010 around this time Women comprise 58 million of the 138 million Americans who consider themselves NFL fans. Forbes yet again shared that in 2017, the NFL estimated roughly 45% of NFL football fans were female. Who would have thought?
Women love the game of football, and the numbers clearly show it. Well played NFL, well played.

How her love for football transcended into an online education for others
As I spoke with Colleen on the phone I was absolutely fascinated. Age is no excuse to learn how to use social media for good. Her soft spoken voice as she shared her, and her groups story with me over almost an hour was refreshing. Growing up her father worked for the US Embassies around the world. As a result he made many valuable connections. This is where Colleen grew up having her father teach her the game of football. Watching reel to reel game film with him he procured through those connections to the Cowboys.
Now mind you, thanks to Facebook many of us will never know what it’s like to watch film in this fashion. Now in her 60’s however Colleen spends many hours devoted to her Facebook group of women and their Cowboys education daily. Teaching the game from both business and fan perspectives.
Colleen also shared her purpose was to educate women on the game 360 degrees. A safe haven where women could come to learn the game inside and out without ridicule from men. I could clearly see that impact in the Official America*s Team Facebook group. I quickly noticed women who knew the game and could hold their own in our group discussions.
The group that learns together grows together
In addition to sharing content in their group they also take time to meet outside of it. Colleen shared that the camaraderie they have built with members are life lasting. From attending games together every year, and even providing for those members who face adverse times. An absolute tribe of women uplifting and creating a sense of community.
Quickly after our interview a flood of requests came in to join OAT. I was truly thankful because that exact feeling of community they have, we are currently building here in OAT. Colleen also shard a story within the story if you will. Due to the amount of request’s they get to join their group daily she personally screens them all herself for authenticity. Now as her group boast’s over 20k members I was blown away. That is seriously ensuring the integrity of your group is solid.
However shortly after her group began growing in 2014 a young teenager by the name of Cheridan that was 13 at the time wanted in. Reluctant to experiment she gave in. Usually no one below the age of 18 can join. Colleen understood covering all age groups and demographics were important to it’s overall growth. Years later Cheridan has grown into young woman at age 17 now. Here is what she had to say.
“I love the community of the group. Especially on game days. There is someone to talk to during the wins, and the losses. You’re not judged in there, and everyone supports each other. I plan to make a road trip in the near future to meet Colleen, and attend my first game at AT&T Stadium.”
Read what women are saying about this Cowboys Facebook group
Instead of taking it from me, please take a look at what these women are saying about Colleen’s group personally. I posed this question in OAT for those women who are also in her group. Here is what their responses were.
“Colleen puts a lot of hours into She loves the Cowboys. From City Takeovers to correct information on the players and coach’s. Hands down the best All female Dallas Cowboys group.” Andrea McDaniel
“I love this group! Women of all races, from all walks of life who love the Cowboys! My favorite thing is the live thread during the games…so much fun!” Christine Tina Zeiglar
“I’m so proud to be a member of such an awesome group of ladies in She Loves The Cowboys!!! Colleen is absolutely the best and I’m so thankful she created this group!!! She’s the one we listen to when we need information on what’s happening with our boys!!! I’ve been a fan of the Cowboys since 1960 and my love for them has not wavered!!!!
?” Ruth Ann Rutherford
This last quote I want to share comes from one of her group moderators, and OAT member
She is also currently the President of a Dallas Cowboys Fan Club in our nations capital. Kelli and I have previously been in contact as she is networking on behalf of their all women group.
“As one of the group’s Moderators, She Loves The Cowboys is more than a group of women who just comes together only on 17 Sundays of a football season. We are a 24/7 active group where we share the knowledge of not only how Football is played but how Cowboys football is played defining and breaking down plays or terminologies for those to understand. We share breaking news as soon as it’s available and what to expect each season, each game. In other words, there is NO such thing as an off season.
She Loves The Cowboys also serves as a networking catalyst of meeting women of all different walks of life and cultures. We have members who has blessed members who does not have the means of owning anything Cowboys (besides for the love they carry in their) with something from their own personal collection. We also have the honor of meeting a fellow member at a game or if we just so happen to be visiting the city where they live. I have met so many ladies from this group that has now budded into lasting friendships.
As you can see, She Loves The Cowboys, is not just a Facebook group. It’s a family, it’s a sisterhood where it’s a honor and privilege to serve as a Moderator.” Kelli Collins
In conclusion
After talking with Colleen for almost an hour I discovered she will be in Dallas for the draft this week. If you would like to have the chance to come out and meet here she shared she’s likely to stop by out OAT pre draft kickoff event. As a result of this interview I came away inspired. Her efforts and contributions to growing a loyal and informed Facebook group is actually part of our mission here at OAT. We, just like her group have fans from around the globe within our communities.
The fact she is in her 60’s and dedicating this much time into her group is fascinating. How the love our Dallas Cowboys can literally bring out the best in each of us if we simply make it about the game and our team. Not ourselves.

I want to personally thank Colleen her for her time and her groups story. If you’re a woman in need of a safe place to learn this game join her group here now. Finally please take a moment to subscribe to our email list. By doing so you will see more great stories like these coming from myself and our contributors this upcoming season.

Are you a member of this group? Please share a memory, or what you like best about it in a comment below!
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