Borracho Tailgaters mission and vision built through unity
The Borracho Tailgaters are emerging as a brotherhood to be reckoned with. As we unfold their plan to kick off the season home opener against the Giants, lets get to know more about their story and mission. A mission filled with unity, community service, and Cowboys fans who are united by the Star for a great cause.
Here he is in action Alex Davila the Borracho Tailgaters President and leader.
Just last week Alex and I were on the phone discussing in essence what the Borracho Tailgaters were all about. For over a year now I’ve been waiting to share their story with you. In addition to writing about the Fan Clubs, and the Hard Hittahz it was time to finally publish it.
How the Borracho Tailgaters actually started
It was January of 2016. The initial club started out in turmoil. According to Alex a decision had to be made. Current leadership of their club desired to remove a member for unethical reasons behind money. Their attempt failed. As a result Alex stepped out on a limb to rebrand and move forward in a new direction.
Meanwhile Alex shared that 98% of their club at the time followed suit with him. The remaining 2% who stayed eventually disbanding to the fallout of the whole ordeal. In a little over 2 years now they have swelled up to over 400 “Patched” members around the globe.
In addition many military members in Japan and Europe are members. During our discussion it was also nice to learn Alex is a retired Air Force Major. With 14 years in the Navy, and 10 Air Force where he was recognized and honored for his distinguished service.
At that point we shared some stories between one another along those travels. The largest part of their network Alex said is actually between California, Arizona, Florida, Wisconsin, and all major cities in Texas.
What does Borracho actually mean in spanish? Drunk.
Yes these men consume large quantities of alcohol during their events. You literally need to take 5 shots of Tequila in a row in order to get accepted as a Borracho Tailgater at one point. They also strive to ensure each members safety by partnering with Lyft. Providing their own code in the future for safe drivers after events by all.
But that’s not just it with these men. There is more to the story than just partying and drinking for this exclusive brotherhood. Let’s take a deeper dive.
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The Borracho Tailgater mission and vision through unity
Better known as a tailgating team the Borrachos have designated the Seahawks and Texans game for this season to represent their brand and appear. A very well traveled team each tear to both home and away games. Which most members will travel to, and watch the game together. A network of friends united by the Star. A brother and sisterhood bonded through unity.
As they strive to create and maintain relationships around the world it’s much more. In addition, the Borracho Tailgaters have a passion for serving in their communities. One highlight is their relationship with th CASA organization. Further driving their unity beyond their club members, and helping abused and neglected children.
In addition after the 2016 tragic events in Dallas where actual police officers were shot and killed they did this. In honor of one of the families affected, Alex is seen here bringing up the fallen officer’s son Magnus. CPL Lorne Ahrens of the DPD was his father, RIP.
The Borracho Tailgaters gave a moment in silence in his honor. While doing so El Presidente Alex hoisted young Magnus up. Looking into his eyes he lost it. Finally getting into compsure he made the young fella laugh in the end. I find this extremely exceptional behavior for any establishment, especially the Borracho Tailgaters.
How to become a Borracho Tailgater
First of all anyone can become a Borracho Tailgater according to Alex. To become a numbered tailgater however requires much more. Here it from the visonary leader himself. It’s clear we can see the unity as the very fabric of this exclsuive group.
“Any new Borracho “Prospect” requires pre-approval and a “Padrino” to vouch for him as a man with a storng ethical and moral compass. The “prospect” period may last up to a year and each is taken on a case by case basis. The period requires attendance at home, or away games, watch partys, and/or meet-ups throughout the year. Due to financial obligations, some may not attend Cowboys games and not a requirement. An active involvement on our page is also enouraged. Once the “prospect” has been approved to get his Borracho number, he will take 5 shots of tequila (all at once) at one of our major events. In order to get a “Gold” number the 5 shots have to be taken at a Cowboys home or away game.” ~Alex Davila, President Borracho Tailgaters

How to become a Borracho Tailgater continued
Contrary to pouplar belief women can become a tailgater as well. This was one of the first questions I asked Alex on our call. Although its mostly comprised of men, there are a few women as well. Alex made it very clear to me that the Borracho Tailgaters strive to maintain a clean image. With all the consumption of alcohol at their events they want to curb any shennanigans from developing as a result of mixed company.
The misunderstanding may also very well be when observing their events, not many women are seen around. Something that could easily be percieved from the outside looking in. This is the very point that lead me to Alex for this story. It was during my trip to the “Cowboys Miami Takeover.” I actually overheard this between some fans. In keeping with our mission at OAT we got the exclusive story for you.
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Upcoming events for the Borracho Tailgaters
Meanwhile each year the tailgaters are hard at work behind the scenes. Likely their hugest event ever will be the home opener in Arlington against the Giants. Many tailgaters flying in from around the globe to assemble and celebrate their brother, and sisterhood. Yours truly plans to stop in for a cameo at this event.
This year is extra special according to Alex.
“This year is extra special because the home opener is on Mexico’s Independence Day. We have some ideas to acknowledge their independence. One of which is a flag we desgined. We have Borracho Tailgaters watch parties all over the nation where we have chapters at throughout the season.” ~Alex Davila
OAT is currently working with Cowboys fans and their club in Mexico to bring you that story so stay tuned!
Lastly members will carry on their normal community outreach programs like toy drives, Easter basket drives, and back to school supplies just to name a few. Focusing their overall mission on giving back and building unity!
Here is their flier info below we recently posted on our Facebook page. Please give it a “Like” Cowboys fans and thanks!
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Wrapping up the Borracho Tailgaters mission with thanks from Alex himself
The longer Alex and I spoke over the phone, his passion for this group of people became more clear. It’s truly been a pleasure getting to know more about the Borracho Tailgaters. Hearing about your mission, and how the glue of it all is unity. I asked Alex if there were any people he would like to recognize.
As expected he provided many names to thank. Primarily the most tenured Borracho and known as the “Padrino” named Jason Rodriguez #4. He is one of the co-founders of the Borrachos original group. The one he eventually broke away from, and created the Borracho Tailgaters as a result. Alex specifically stated no major decisions are made without his specific consultation first.
Also thanking chapter leaders, and Sgt. At Arms. Without them he says their message would not be recieved globally as one voice. In addition his right hand man and Vice President #27 George Gomez. Personally thanking him for his tremendous leadership provided.
Then saving the best for last as expected. In Alex’s own words.
“They may not have numbers representing themselves but they are far and away the backbone of the Borracho Tailgaters. To all the females, ladies, and wives who have and continue to directly and indirectly contribute to the success of the Borracho Taligaters family – Much love and appreciation to you all!” ~Alex Davila
In conclusion
It was truly and honor and pleasure learning and sharing their story with all of you here. I want to personally thank Alex for his time, input, and being one bad ass Cowboy fan. My plan is stop by their event for the home opener to bring that back and share here as well. So please be sure to subscribe today!
With so many events going on for our home opener there are many options for most any fans coming into town for the game. Please visit our previous post’s for more details and specific information. Creating the ultimate fan base network through social media is the OAT mission.
If you or anyone you may know has a Cowboys fan story you would like to be told please contact me directly
Finally if you would like to help build our OAT vision please click the link below to learn more on how to become our Patron through Patreon.
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