How to win an NFL game led by faith at the highest altitude
Faith without works Is dead
When it came to the Dallas Cowboys testing the faith of it’s fan base for the first ever social distancing pandemic game only a select few made front line history. Not to mention, with less than twenty-five percent of AT&T’s Stadium actual seating capacity.
Dak was Historical.
I even witnessed Jerry Jones on national television wearing an N95 Facemask in his suite.
Were you aware that the CDC’s located in Atlanta, GA? With that said the Cowboys caught an immediate “Contact Tracing” turnover deficit. Without a vaccine in sight. Nothing but the faith of a mustard seed.
By the end of the game however the Falcons from Atlanta clearly proved they were highly trained in the NFL social distancing procedures for the world to witness. All them talons but can’t even catch a bowl. Damn it Julio.
How to build faith among a network of diehards
Annually 4 the home opener Cowboys fans fly in from around the world to witness. Sord of like a congregation. My 4th spiritual experience in a row 4 the record.
I actually met someone on their twelfth! Less than a week ago I had no plans of even attending. God works in mysterious ways. Even with just a mustard seed of faith.
On social media however it’s clearly seen throughout the game over timelines how many fans lost there faith too. After multiple turnovers early these same fans were throwing their faith out their “Black Mirror” 4 good. Even your bloggers favorite blogger West Coast was mentally checked out. 4 a minute only just 3 seats down.

Thanks to the OAT Network that’s “Built Different” Stacheman hustled 4 tickets for 4 fans to make history together. Despite his physical absence higher than I in Alaska working with the “Deadliest Catch” industry.
As I drove up I-35N from Austin, TX at 3am on gameday other fans like myself were also descending upon the “Mothership” to make history. As I looked around at the Hard Hittahz tailgate off the corner of Collins and Randol Mill I seen many new, and familiar faces on Lot 10.
Networking, worshipping, and sharing their testimonies among each other harmoniously.
Clearly influenced and ordained above by the “Cowboys Corner Preacher” himself Cheef #7. RIP brother.

Our faith will be tested 4 the remainder of this 2020 season
The entire game I kept praying 4 a turnover to change the momentum. Ask the #469 Hard Hittah, LaDon who sat next to me from ATL. A “New New” Patreon. Many times, watching it go unanswered as a result. Like life and it’s challenges it may bring to each of us 4 the remainder of this unique season. Individually and collectively.
What #4 taught me was to never give up your faith. Even if it is just that of a mustard seed. Dak is all it takes to get the breakthrough needed. God’s plan. Little did I know my prayer would be answered by a group of “Special Teams” warriors from A to Z. God is good.
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As I share this testimony with you today, I have a question 4 Dallas Cowboys fans. How strong is your faith? Are you the type of fan who quits at the first sign of adversity each game? Posting blasphemy on Facebook? Or, are you the type of fan who relentlessly displays faith when faced with adversity?
If you think your faith was tested during week two just wait until America*s team travels to Seattle 4 week 3. This game will require a collective synergy of faith to will our team to a second straight win. Yours truly will be leading service this Sunday from the eye of the Needle.
Faith required from everyone. From Jerry Jones all the way down to the janitor at The Star in Frisco, TX. What are you willing to sacrifice through faith on gameday to have your prayers answered 4 another historical victory this week?
What will you place inside the offering plate Cowboys fans?
In order to succeed at life, you must first sacrifice a thing. There is no such thing as something 4 nothing. What are you willing to give up? Did your faith strengthen like mine did after the “Special Teams” play that saved our game?
As we head into week 3 take an inventory of your DC4L emotional intelligence. It’s already a challenge enough that we have hate coming from every direction 365 days a year from the other 31 NFL fan bases. And NFL Memes.
How can you tap into this unique type of fanbase synergy, and draw upon it’s collective faith? Simply subscribe to the OAT blog when you enter your email below. Join the other “Front Line” warriors 4 America*s Team today when you click the orange button below.
Lastly, let’s not return to a state of zero faith this week. Let’s take this synergy and return it to our players both on and off the grid. Dak’s the Clear Eye View. To show them our “Works of Faith” together around the world globally. Through social media.
Because Faith Without Works Is Dead.
This is my first hand witness testimony to the congregation. I type this while flying 30,000 feet HIGH in the air, and share it with all NFL fans who were not in attendance. Learn how to join our congregation of “Built Different” NFL fans this season below now.
Take your leap of FAITH with OAT.
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