
When this Flirt Skirts Fishing Cowboys fan pulls up just watch 4 the hook

Have you ever heard of Flirt Skirts Fishing? It was founded in 2016. The Owner Derek Guest, and his family, have been making custom baits in Arizona for a little over 10 years now. Thanks to Sam pulling up on Instagram, Flirt Skirts Fishing hooked him up out of OAT. Here’s how to watch for the hook this season Cowboys Nation.

It was a blazing hot July day flying into DFW from Seattle in 2017. The kind of heat that as soon as you stepped foot outside baggage claim doors the sweat begins to instantly bead down your forehead. Luckily however, I had this “Cool Breeze” navigator to guide me through DFW Metroplex rush hour traffic.

Give a man a fish today, and tomorrrow he expects another. Teach a man to fish today, and tomorrow he catches his own.

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are actually after. Since meeting Sam that day he and I have linked up at many home games in Arlington. Most recently the 2019 home opener where he met both of my boys Bryce, and Bryant. See video below of our ride in traffic together at the 2:02 mark in 2017.

Flirt Skirts Fishing, Watch For the Hook
Sam and his 3 year old son Landon Dakota, AKA “Baby Dak.”

Sam is a die hard Dallas Cowboys and Dak Prescott fan that was promoted months earlier to “Admin” status in OAT. In the process his passion landed him a sponsorship with Flirt Skirts Fishing. Even they too apparently were watching for his hook on the gram. Use code “CC817” and get 15% off today!

He scooped me up at baggage claim.  Our first time meeting off Facebook as he drove me to my hotel. He even remembered to get me a pair of Prescott socks to wear at the GONFFC! After chatting during our ride to the hotel we managed to finally cool off in the AC’s “Cool Breeze” talkin’ Bout Dem Boys.

Watch 4 the hook on Instagram with Flirt Skirts Fishing

Following Sam on Instagram actually led to me writing his story. Over the last 2 years I’ve watched Sam, and his passion 4 fishing blaze up with Flirt Skirts Fishing. He also happened to nick-name his 3 year old son Landon during our freindship “Baby Dak.” Not even a global pandemic however could keep Sam away from the hook!

Also read: How Brandon Vega created his Dallas marketing empire by word of mouth

Sam admitted that fishing has been a hobby of his since a young boy in Oklahoma at his grandmothers in Henrietta. Much like his favorite Cowboy Prescott, who loves to fish in the off season, translated his love for this Cowboy through the manifestion of his sons name.

Watch your thoughts they may just become your reality

Since focusing on his craft with Flirt Skirts Fishing over the last year and a half more, Sam is currently creating his own brand on social media. In addition with the help of 17K die hard Dallas Cowboys fans in OAT. I wanted to personally thank Sam for all his efforts through the years with this story, and I’m very excited to continue watching his Flirt Skirts FIshing journey. In addition, Sam is also an OAT Brand Ambassador.

Be sure to follow him on Instagram so you can watch 4 the hook this season. Help him eclipse the 1k follower mark ASPA y’all! Because even the heat, and a global virus pandemic cannot stop him from casting his dream into his local Texas fishing holes. Even while decreasing the social distance between him, the fish, and his hook.

In conclusion

Building realtionships like this through our Facebook group can lead to growing your network as a Cowboys fan this season. Thankfully, Sam put on display his love for America*s Team through the art of fishing in OAT. It has been fascinating to watch his journey on Instagram as a result.

It’s even more exciting as Cowboys fans that we can provide unique content like this from a Cowboys perspective. This was the goal when we established the first ever Cowboys Fan Club Directory to hook other die hards on the line like yourself. Our blog is essentially fishing for fans who are leaders this 2020 season. So watch 4 the hook in our Facebook group.

Finally, please be sure to subscribe to our blog after you share this story with all your fishing buddies on Facebook today. Want to really learn more about the OAT cause? Learn more here. This will hook you into the know about our fans, and how to network with them through social media. Take a few minutes to watch the video below and witness how we are making history together from 2017 to 2020.

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Our ride in traffic together at the 2:02 mark

“Know a whole lot of brothers in the creator game But
Most of them are in it for the shiny thangs. ~BG

Cowboys Unifier

Barry Gipson AKA "Cowboys Unifier" is just a Blue-Sky thinker on a mission to connect America*s Team, and it's fan base globally with the first ever Cowboys fan website "Built By Fans For Fans!" OAT- Official America*s Team!