The difference between this NFL Facebook group and all others

In April 2018, I shared details about the NFL Facebook group campaign for women. Which ultimately led to She Loves The Cowboys remaining the only active ALL WOMEN NFL Facebook group since ’09. Out of all 32 teams now only 1 remains thanks to Colleen Case. A couple of years before however in ’16 I created Official America’s Team. Currently with over 21k REAL fans.

What makes Official America’s Team different from any other NFL Facebook group? Well, we come with a mission. Before we get to the mission let’s examine a few other unique features and benefits of this group. Expansion is always on the NFL’s agenda. Just take the She Loves The Cowboys story for example. How to gather and collect user information in the name of purchasing behaviors.

NFL Facebook group, Built Different Group, Prototype, Star Status Cowboys Connection
Meet Sarah Berrhyhill from Lansing, MI. Since 2019 she’s followed my content. She has become the most traveled member of the Star Status Cowboys Connection chapter in Ohio. Yes, she is a member of a club outside of her home state. Learn more about her story, and how she became the Built Different Group’s Prototype. This photo was taken at Palace Station Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV April 29th, 2022.

Much like the NFL expansion is always on the OAT agenda too. Now you’re likely saying well this group is very small in total members compared to others. True. Not every NFL Facebook group is run with integrity, however. Would you agree? With the amount of SPAM and FAKE accounts on the platform, you need solid Admins in the trenches. Weeding out the bullshit accounts.

Shortly after creating the group I traveled to Dallas and met up with Sam Harris in ’17. He picked me up from the airport and drove me to an event. Since then we have crossed paths at all home games including the home opener each of the last 5 years. In addition, he created his own brand through OAT, and we featured him on OAT two years earlier. The only blog that is on the internet talking about Dallas Cowboys fans around the globe annually.


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The state of NFC East Facebook groups

A major piece of our group’s mission is to connect real fans at live NFL events. How do we do that? Branded social media channels like Facebook and Instagram. Also in ’16, I created the Built Different Group Facebook fan page to attract other REAL Cowboys fans along with our official Instagram handle.

Just between the NFC East teams alone according to my research, there are a total of 455 Facebook groups. The Dallas Cowboys of course lead the way with a whopping  177. Two of which happen to be mine. For example Official America’s Team and my Cowboys Cousins Supporters. Why is this important to know?


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When you take the 50 prime-time games this NFL season both the Cowboys and the Eagles have 5 apiece. Including the one, WE play each other in this October. The NFC East is essentially paying the NFL’s light bill each year if you ask me. Especially when it comes to streams. Four major TV markets and 4 major teams equal a lot of Amazon Thursday Night Football streams.

Not your average joe

For the average NFL fan, this information may appear useless. On the contrary, for creators, this is an absolute gold mine. Knowing and understanding your priority market which creates social currency. Many of your favorite Dallas Cowboys Superfans from social media are also members. Take, for example, Ms. Carolyn Price.

My vision was to create a group of REAL fans that could be connected at live NFL events. The concept has been proven true since the first-ever Cowboys Cousins Top Golf Experience took place in Las Vegas during the NFL Draft as seen above.

This season however I look to unify the NFC East NFL fans. As a division WHOLE through focus specific NFC East content as a result. I mean we play each other twice yearly. Would you believe the Dallas Cowboys are not the most followed NFL team? Don’t click here then.

NFL Facebook group Statista Game Changers
Facebook fans of National Football League Teams


Common sense is not always so common. Especially when it comes to social media. Especially when it comes to Dallas Cowboys fans. Our mission here is to connect fans from social media at live events. This is what makes OAT different. Many of the healthy relationships I have built with NFL fans since 2016 around the globe are currently providing me with massive inspiration.

Moving into this new NFL season my efforts will also be focused on veterans. I know there are veterans scattered throughout the entire NFL landscape, especially the NFC East. Im excited to share this with you because much like the slogan is in “Sin City” what happens here only happens here. That’s a fact jack.

Are you the type of NFL fan who likes to get out Boots On Ground? If so, then you have found the right one baby! My ultimate goal is to assemble an ALL 32 creator network. Are you a creator for your NFL team? If so let’s connect. Expansion is always on the agenda. Special thanks to my Admin team. Without them, this story would not be possible.

Lastly a special thank you to the 25 Patrons who keep the lights on for this blog each month. Without them, I couldn’t write this for you to learn about what makes Official America’s Team different. Tap the orange button below today, and learn how you can impact my content this NFL season. Thank you Gang Gang!

PS: Not affiliated with the NFL in any form. Yet. ~BG

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Cowboys Unifier

Barry Gipson AKA "Cowboys Unifier" is just a Blue-Sky thinker on a mission to connect America*s Team, and it's fan base globally with the first ever Cowboys fan website "Built By Fans For Fans!" OAT- Official America*s Team!