DC United: Watch Cowboys with best SRO at AT&T Stadium
Get the best SRO position in the stadium with DC United
Building a network to share great info like this SRO (standing room only) DC United strategy is our idea of sharing the wealth. During the home opener in Arlington this season I met up with OAT FB group Admin, Terrence. He actually shared a simple strategy to use during home games. To ensure you actually get the best SRO (Standing Room Only) spot in AT&T staduim!
Oh, by the way he is also the innovative Admin who built the Madden League. Listen to my interview with him below during my visit to Dallas for the NFL Draft. No suprise he was voted the Admin Of The Year for 2018 as a result.
During my last trip to AT&T Stadium in November of last year I was fortunate to watch the game from the Miller Lite Club. The actual place where you see super fans like, Ms Price, Stacheman, and even West Coast. An area directly behind the Cowboys bench. Also the tunnel where Cowboys players enter, and exit the stadium to their locker rooms. A great experience but honestly not the best place to see the game.
Due to the word getting out many fans are taking their shot to get into this area on game day. Watching the players run out for the start of the game is an experience like no other. If you can afford it, it’s worth the money spent IMO one game for the experience.

Biggest difference between SRO and Miller Lite Club
The only problem is you have to watch the big screen to see the game. Great area to socialize with other big name fans. The exact place where I initially met Thee YL, and exchanged contact information.
This time around I wanted a new experience. So when Terrence and I were planning this trip we opted to do the SRO option. For two reasons. Price, and we knew we could get prime real estate with this DC United strategy.
Also read: Why you need to follow the Comcast Cowboy on Instagram
How to get your DC United access and beat the crowds at AT&T Stadium
If you’re on Instagram, visit my post above and you will see what your confirmation email will look like once you select the “Preferred” option (package below) for an annual charge of $20. After taxes and fees it’s about $26 bucks total (subject to change yearly). You will get a confirmation email with a member number. Eventually getting your own DC United fan card in the mail.
I bought this the day of, so when you’re in line have your ID ready. Show the email and your ID to the usher and this will get you past the DC United checkpoint. Allowing you to beat the surge of fans at the front door of AT&T Stadium.
Giving you the best choice of places to watch the Cowboys in the whole stadium!
In addition to this access here are some other gret benefits that come along with your purchase that will enhance your fandom this season.
In conclusion
The whole experience was capped off by a Cowboys win over the Giants. During the home opener talk about creating great memories with members from our Facebook group. I am extremely thankful for Terrence sharing this strategy with OAT. Another fine example of our mission here at OAT. Connecting Cowboys fans from social media to real games in Arlington.

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