Wild Card games set amazing stage for Hollywood Blockbuster

Wild Card results in Hollywood Blockbuster

Wild Card Weekend was absolutely epic! The Dallas Cowboys are heading to the “West Coast” this Saturday to take on the Rams. Dubbing it (Pun intended) a “Hollywood Blockbuster.” Both of these NFL head coaches of the year for 2016 were Garrett, and 2017 McVay respectively. Both will lead their teams into action Saturday. In addition, competing for a chance to advance to the NFC Conference Finals game.

As I fly high above the sky in route to LA back from Arlington, I have a few hours to reflect with you. Then a quick change of planes at LAX, then I head back to Seattle.

Walking into my Comcast office on Tuesday morning with a W in hand among a bunch of Hawks fans is going to be epic!

Earlier this season at 3-5 we found ourselves looking in the mirror. Another season wasted. Our fan base was in complete disarray. Chants of “Fire Jason Garrett” creeped up on social media.

Hell, I even got in on the gig looking for answers comparing both coaches from a leadership perspective.

Jerry Jones, Jason Garrett, Sean Mcvay, OAT, Barry Gipson, Legends, Amari Cooper

That didn’t stop the “Hot Boys” however. They knew all along what this team was made of since training camp. Despite what the win column said after week 8. If you would have told me after we lost to the Titans, we would be in this position now, I would have laughed. Strictly over the lack of leadership specifically.

That’s what’s so amazing about the Dallas Cowboys. You never can really know. Just ask the kicker of the Chicago Bears how he feels this morning. Never the less, here we are. This trip was a special one. Packed with golden memories of my first playoff game, and win!

Many of you who follow me also know my wife is a Seahawks fan. Earlier this year when the Cowboys visited Seattle, she and I went to the game with some of our neighbors. We all know how that game ended. It didn’t stop these 300 or so Cowboys fans from throwing an epic tailgate however.

I knew I would get my revenge eventually. In the process an important education. Graduating what a Cowboys fan in the playoffs must endure.

Just like Terrence below. This was my mood as the players shook hands after the game.

Also Read: First time Uber riders get awesome discount with OAT code

What the post season can teach us Cowboys fans

If you’re like myself and travel to Cowboys games class is in session. Once the regular season schedule breaks each year Cowboys fans plan their games/ events they they want to attend. For the post season however, you have to be more flexible and prepared.

During the last week of the regular season the playoff picture shaped up. I had called it even in pre-season. I wanted the Cowboys to come to Seattle for the playoffs, or face each other in the first round.

Well I got my wish. At home in Arlington where it really mattered to kick things off at this juncture.

Speaking to “West Coast” and “StacheMan” while in town always helps OAT. That’s exactly why we all went to Texas Live the day after our victory to watch where destiny takes us next.

Next season Texas Live will feature a blockbuster tailgate. Story on that coming this summer.

This meant we head out West to face the Rams for the second round of the NFC conference semi-finals.

The moral of the story is this. Save yourself some money, and have an open schedule when you approach week 16 next season. Only a week’s notice to plan for Cowboys fans on the fly is something relatively new.

Take note for next season as I believe we are headed to another dynasty with this young squad we currently have.

Reading post’s by Star Status President Kevin Harris on Facebook this morning also speaks to this. When you fail to plan, you can pretty much plan to fail. Sharing info as club Presidents moving forward will absolutely help this. Yours truly will actually be in LA to cover their events so stay tuned!

Also Read: The power and influence of Cowboys fan base media

Victory Sunday gives extended celebration with 915 Tours for these fans

Every time I visit Arlington, I look for opportunities to network on behalf of our OAT members. A big part of our mission here is to connect fans from social media to aforementioned live events. Also like the one David Garman of Cowboys Travel Club threw with Jaylon Smith, and Michael Gallup during wild card weekend.

I have been following David and his team this season out of EL Paso, and knew it was time to connect on this trip with them. Again, on a short playoff week at the end of the season providers must be swift in planning. Much like us fans in order to successfully throw them.

915 Tours in connection with Cowboys Travel Club also flew in Thee YL to MC their. This is what initially caught my attention. In addition, West Coast was present also getting the party hype as he connected his SCOUT’s through Facebook Live.

DJ Twenty Spinz was on the wheels of steel. Keeping the crowd moving while fans get autographs and pictures with both players. The event was about 2 hours long which featured close to 100 people in attendance. Essentially lining up to meet and greet both players briefly.


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Had to make sure Unc enjoyed himself… #cowboysnation

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Most of 915 Tours fans rode in on their private tour bus from EL Paso for this wild card weekend. In addition to the tour bus, you can book experiences through them online. Other fans flew in and booked with them from out of state.

In addition Joe Covino from DefendTheStar.Com ( A local provider) was on hand selling memorabilia that fans could purchase to get autographed by both players that may have showed up empty handed.

There was even a couple from Houston who stumbled upon the event while there. They paid to get in at the door. Bought some swag, and left happy campers.

Be sure to follow our Instagram stories for exclusive footage of events like this. Connect with Cowboys Travel Club, and 915 Tours below today.


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How about that TD by our friend Jaylon Smith today?!?!?! #CEV #CowboysPackages #CowboysTravelClub #DallasCowboys #Cowboys #Dallas

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Star Status Cowboys Connection embraces short fused “Hollywood Blockbuster” opportunity

Our OAT Fan Club Directory includes an exclusive list of Cowboys fan clubs around the nation. Most importantly for events like this. When America’s Team touches down, Star Status President Kevin Harris and his team plan to roll out the “Blue Carpet” for everyone in attendance.

As we collect their event fliers this weekend we will be posting in our group, and on social media to update you. Connecting with this die-hard Cowboys fan club will open doors for you I promise. During the kickoff game this season against the Giants I connected with Kevin and his club. Covering their “Round Up” they do each year along with the Hard Hittahz.

Now with the post season in play they are literally working around the clock to get ready to host this Hollywood Blockbuster event. I especially know that Tyson AKA “West Coast” will be a major player in helping promote and execute the Star Status agenda this weekend.

Be sure to tune into his “Live” feeds this week also for details. Again, as Star Status scrambles to set their stage for the festivities this weekend be patient. We will share their info with you as we get it. Im certain they will host a most memorable event for our fan base.


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Can you find West Coast….? Thanks @dallasnews for these great shots !!!!

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Also Read: How this Cowboys fan club went from a backyard to stadiums

In conclusion

One down, three more to go

Just a 4-game win streak will net us a Chip. We have completed 25% of that goal. Many fans and haters wrote us off against Seattle last week. As we approach the second round nothing has changed.

The stage is getting set this week for this Hollywood blockbuster. Some of the biggest names in the league will be in character. I am sure we will break TV viewing records yet again. When “The greatest show on surf” meets “America’s Team” in Hollywood. I CANT WAIT TO WITNESS THIS!

Between Jason Garrett winning the HCOY award in 2016, and Sean McVay in 2017, this is surely going to be filled with drama and action. Between the top 2 NFL’s rushing leaders with Zeke and Gurley, to the QB play where Dak Prescott can further solidify his legacy as Cowboy. It’s going down this Saturday for real yall!

Be sure to subscribe to our email list today. Get all your information you need for the game this weekend with OAT. In addition, follow us on our social media on Facebook, and Instagram for updates and fliers for events.

Lastly, if you really love what we are doing here get onboard and help your impact be felt. Learn how you can become an OAT Patron through Patreon.

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As I descend down into LAX and wrap this recap up, I have one question for you.

Where will you be watching the Dallas Cowboys Hollywood Blockbuster this weekend?

Cowboys Unifier

Barry Gipson AKA "Cowboys Unifier" is just a Blue-Sky thinker on a mission to connect America*s Team, and it's fan base globally with the first ever Cowboys fan website "Built By Fans For Fans!" OAT- Official America*s Team!